
Cost-Optimized Hosting Of Fine-Tuned LLMs In Production

Learn how cost optimisation strategies can help you optimise the cost of hosting fine-tuned LLMs in production.
LLMs in production

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Large language models have become the backbone of generative AI, and therefore, it is important to understand what they are in production. 

In the simplest terms, it is a deep learning algorithm that is equipped to summarize, translate, predict, and generate human-sounding ideas and concepts. 

It is important to understand that hosting or running these models requires a lot of computational resources that may come at a high price, especially if one is using fine-tuned models for specific tasks. 

In this blog, we will discuss practical methods for deploying fine-tuned LLMs in production cost-effectively while maintaining high performance.

Understanding Fine-Tuned LLMs in Production

Fine-tuning is the process of taking a pre-trained model and further training it on specific data sets for specialized purposes while improving its accuracy. 

There are two ways to customize LLMs in production with fine-tuning including supervised learning and reinforcement learning from human feedback. 

Fine-tuned LLMs in production have various advantages, such as improved relevance and performance and tailored outputs. 

Despite these benefits, organisations cannot compensate for the excessive costs of hosting LLMs, which vary depending on factors like model size, computational precision, and hosting duration. 

Cost Optimization Strategies

Cost Optimization Strategies

Fig. 1

In order to reduce the expenses of hosting fine-tuned LLMs in production and face key challenges like high computational requirements,  storage needs,  inference latency, and scalable AI hosting, organisations can implement various strategies.

Resource Provisioning 

Resource provisioning can either be static or dynamic. Tools like AWS, EC2, Spot Instances, or Google Cloud Preemptible can be used for hosting. These are popular options as they offer significant cost savings over on-demand instances,  which makes them ideal for low-cost machine learning hosting and LLM hosting solutions. 

While there is a risk of interruptions while using these tools, the fault-tolerant architecture provided by these VMs can mitigate these risks and ensure continuous availability,  providing a robust environment for LLMs in production.

Moreover, applications are monitored by AWS auto-scaling so that capacity can be changed on demand, safeguarding resource performance while meeting price expectations.

Model Pruning and Quantization

Model pruning and quantization are techniques used to constrain and advance deep learning models.

Quantization involves reducing the precision of the weight and activations in a model, typically from 32-bit floating point values to 8-bit integers.

Pruning means removing unnecessary connections from the language model. Pruning can be done during either training or fine-tuning LLMs in production.

These revised language models are faster and cheaper, as less memory and computer power are needed. However, they still achieve acceptable levels of accuracy.

Caching and Memorization

A caching mechanism can be used to store frequently accessed data. This reduces the need for unnecessary computations and improves inference latency.

The memorization technique is used to remember previous interactions (like those used by ChatGPT) and enables quicker response generation for repetitive queries and inputs.

Inference Optimization

The basic idea of inference optimisation is to use cheaper processes to generate the best models. This is achieved through many techniques, such as batch processing, parallelisation, asynchronous inference, and hardware accelerators.

Organisations aim to achieve model inference optimisation by:

  • Downloading the latest versions of PyTorch, Nvidia Drivers, etc., and upgrading to the latest compatible releases.
  • Collecting system level activity logs to understand the overall resource utilisations.
  • Improving targets with the highest impact on performance.

Dynamic Resource Allocation

Dynamic resource allocation includes methods like monitoring and scaling, autoscaling, and resource pooling. These methods dynamically allocate resources based on demand fluctuations, reducing host costs while maintaining performance. This approach ensures efficient resource use and minimizes idle capacity.

Implementing The Strategies

Let us understand the implementation of the strategies by taking the example of a hypothetical company that uses these strategies to efficiently deploy and manage fine-tuned LLMs in production for a customer support chatbot. 

Implementing The Strategies
Fig. 2

Let us assume that in the year 2024, TechCorp (the hypothetical company) was worried about putting support chatbots on its website. The reason for the hesitation and worry was the high costs and challenges of hosting FineTuned LLMs in production. 

Let us now see how they implemented the strategies that we discussed in the previous section.

Resource Provisioning

TechCorp designed a fault-tolerant architecture using tools like Kubernetes for container orchestration. This was to use spot instances or preemptible VMs.

Kubernetes was used to manage the deployment, scaling,  and operations of the chatbot containers across a cluster of devices.

Auto-scaling groups were configured to automatically adjust the number of requests received based on current demand. This ensured that resources were scaled up during peak hours and scaled-down during off-peak times, ensuring cost efficiency.

Critical data used for user interactions and model outputs were persisted in tools like Amazon S3.  This ensured that even if spot instances were interrupted,  data security and integrity could be maintained while significantly reducing computing costs.

Model Pruning and Quantization

TechCorp used the TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit to prune and quantize the fine-tuned  LLMs in production. This strategy helped TechCorp by supporting affordable AI infrastructure and efficient LLM deployment.

The pruned and quantized model can be fine-tuned again to recover any loss in accuracy. Thus, TechCorp solidifies its position as a leader in AI hosting solutions.

Caching and Memorization

TechCorp implemented caching layers for LLMs in production using no SQL tools like Redis to store frequently accessed data. 

This approach uses Redis to cache common queries and their responses. This allows the chatbot to quickly retrieve and serve queries without recomputing them, ensuring optimized AI deployment. 

Minimizing redundant computations can significantly reduce processing overhead and improve the chatbot’s response time. 

Inference Optimization

TechCorp optimised the inference pipeline 200 batch processing and parallelization,  ensuring cost-effective AI hosting. 

Experiments with various batch sizes of frequently accessed data and concurrency levels help to determine the most effective configuration. 

Striking a balance between throughput and latency ensures the chatbot can handle high volumes and provide fast responses while minimizing resource usage.

Dynamic Resource Allocation

TechCorp set up comprehensive monitoring and dynamic resource allocation strategies using tools like Prometheus and Grafana. 

Grafana is used to visualize system metrics like CPU utilization and memory consumption and monitors request rates to identify trends. 

Further, based on real-time metrics, an auto-scaling policy can be implemented to adjust resource allocation.  

Using AWS Auto Scaling and Google Cloud’s Managed Instance Groups ensures that resources are allocated efficiently in response to demand fluctuations. 

Dynamic Resource Allocation

Fig. 3


Hosting fine-tuned LLMs in production has become the trend these days, and rightfully so.  However, the accompanying expenses are significant, which means the application of cost optimisation techniques has also become extremely important and necessary. 

Consistent monitoring and optimization are critical for hosting LLMs in production, adjusting to changing load patterns, maintaining long-term cost efficiency, and maximizing the value derived from AI investment. 


Hosting costs can be optimised for LLMs in production by downloading the latest versions of PyTorch, Nvidia Drivers, etc., upgrading to the latest compatible releases, collecting system-level activity logs to understand resource utilization, and improving targets with the highest impact on performance. 

In a production setting, fine-tuning LLMs requires strict compliance with important procedures. Begin by thoroughly organizing the data to guarantee its quality and consistency. Choose a suitable pre-trained model framework and use transfer learning with domain-specific data. To avoid overfitting, optimize hyperparameters systematically and use regularization approaches. Validate the model's performance against specific datasets and keep track of any decline over time. Create scalable and efficient deployment pipelines that utilize cloud infrastructure and security features. Lastly, document the entire process for cooperation and iterative changes, enabling a strong and adaptive fine-tuned LLM in production.

Yes, it is possible to host fine-tuned LLMs on a budget. To do that, we need to optimize model serving with the help of Model Compilation (SageMakerNeo), Model Compression (DeepSeed) >> Quantization (TensorRT)>> Pruning (DeepSeed, Hugging Face), Distillation (Sage Maker, Hugging Face), and Model Sharding (Sage Maker, ParallelFormers). All of these have optimal performance, except pruning and quantization, which can lead to a loss in accuracy. 

Ensure efficient hosting of fine-tuned LLMs in production by optimizing resource provisioning with auto-scaling and Spot Instances. Implement batch processing and parallelization for optimized inference throughput. Utilize model optimization techniques such as pruning and quantization to reduce computational requirements. Monitor hosting costs and performance metrics closely, adjusting configurations as needed. Employ scalable and reliable infrastructure using cloud-based services and serverless computing options. Regularly update and maintain the fine-tuned model to adapt to changing data distributions and user requirements. By following these practices, you can achieve cost-effective and high-performance hosting of fine-tuned LLMs in production environments.

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