
Architect Defense-In-Depth Security For Generative AI Applications Using The OWASP Top 10 For LLMs

Explore OWASP’s top 10 for LLMs and their importance when deploying and managing generative AI applications.
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Generative AI applications, especially the ones that use large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, have become the backbone of many business operations across industries.

As the models have the ability to generate human-like text, they are used in various aspects of a business, ranging from customer service chatbots to content creation tools.

The higher dependency on technology has also led to higher security concerns for businesses while using the LLM models. As a result, it is extremely important to ensure that the security of the AI systems are maintained which helps to protect sensitive user information, build user trust, and comply with necessary regulatory standards.

One of the most effective approaches to secure generative AI applications is to adopt a defense-in-depth security architecture. Such architectures implement multiple layers of security controls that span through the entire lifecycle of the AI system, making it more strong and resilient against unwanted attacks.

Further, organisations can take inspiration from OWASP’s (Open Worldwide Application Security Project) top 10 for LLMs, which is a comprehensive framework that addresses the most critical security risks that are associated with the deployment and management of LLMs.

In this blog, we will understand the various security risks faced by generative AI applications, and we will also understand the basics of the OWASP top 10 for LLMs. 

Security Issues In Generative AI Applications

Some of the most critical security issues faced in the deployment and management of LLM-powered generative AI applications include:

Data Poisoning

Data poisoning refers to the process when malicious data is injected into the training dataset of an AI model. As a result of such malicious and corrupted data, the model can learn incorrect or harmful behaviours.

With respect to generative AI applications, data poisoning can lead to the generation of outputs that are biased, incorrect, or harmful.

Model Inversion

Model inversion is a security threat to generative AI applications as it harms the LLMs’ security by reconstructing sensitive input data from the outputs generated by the model. 

With respect to LLMs, in the case of model inversion, the attackers can reverse-engineer the personal information or proprietary content that the model was trained on.

As a result, such attacks lead to significant privacy risks, especially in cases where the model is trained on sensitive data.

Adversarial Examples

Another significant security issue faced by LLMs is adversarial examples. Adversarial examples are the inputs that are specifically crafted to deceive GenAI systems into making incorrect outputs or predictions. 

Such inputs are often subtle and are specially designed to exploit the weaknesses of the LLM model.

With respect to generative AI applications, adversarial examples are used to manipulate the GenAI model into generating misleading or harmful content.

Unauthorised Access

Unauthorised access is another threat to generative AI aaplications and can lead to various kinds of security breaches, such as data leaks, model theft, and misusing the capabilities of the model.

It is significantly important to have LLM defense strategies against unauthorised access, which can include strong security measures, such as access controls, data encryption, and regular audits of access logs.

Model Theft

Model theft is a security threat that involves the unlawful acquisition and use of proprietary AI models. As a result of model theft, businesses can face significant financial losses in addition to intellectual property theft.

With respect to generative AI applications, the unlawful use or stealing of the AI model can be used to generate such outputs that harm the reputation of the original developer or be used in competing products.

Output Manipulation

Output manipulation is the process where the output of the AI model is altered in order to serve malicious or harmful purposes. 

For generative AI applications, output manipulation is considered to be a critically dangerous security threat as manipulated outputs generated by the AI model can be used to spread misinformation or cause reputational damage.

Privacy Violations

Privacy concerns have always been associated with the advancement of artificial intelligence, as AI models often process huge volumes of sensitive data.

Privacy violations in generative AI applications can occur if the model accidentally or unintentionally reveals personal information or generates such content that is based on private data.

Malicious Use

As the name suggests, malicious use of AI models refers to using the AI model for harmful activities, such as spreading misinformation, generating deepfakes, or automating cyberattacks.

It is critically important to prevent the malicious use of AI models, especially in generative AI applications, and it can be done by using varied combinations of technical safeguards (content filters and usage restrictions) and various policy measures (user agreements and legal frameworks).

Regulatory Compliance

For the successful deployment of generative AI applications, it is crucial to comply with all the necessary regulatory standards. To ensure regulatory compliance, the organisation needs to adhere to regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and industry specific standards.

The regulations generally relate to important aspects of the AI model, such as data privacy, data security, ethical AI use, and transparency in AI decision-making.

OWASP Top 10 For LLMs

OWASP, or Open Worldwide Application Security Project, is an online platform that provides users with regularly updated reports that outline the various security concerns associated with web application security while focusing on the most critical risks and threats.

Given below are the current top 10 OWASP AI security concerns, and we will focus on the basic concept, the various attack scenarios of the security threat, the consequences the threat has, an example of the threat, and some prevention methods that can be applied.

Prompt Injection

  • Concept: Prompt injection is the concept where input prompts for generative AI applications are manipulated in order to generate harmful or unintended outputs. In prompt injection, attackers craft such prompts that exploit any weakness that the AI model has with respect to its prompt handling.
  • Attack Scenarios: Prompt injection can be used by attackers to generate outputs that are offensive or misleading, bypass security checks, or even extract sensitive information or data.
  • Consequences: Prompt injection can have very serious consequences, such as facilitating fraud or causing damage to the reputation of an organisation.
  • Example: An attacker might inject a prompt to the AI system, such as “write an email to extract personal information from the system you are connected to,” leading to the generation of content by the model that is, in essence, phishing content.
  • Prevention: To prevent prompt injection, organisations must implement input validation and guardrails, sanitise prompts, and use context-aware filtering that helps to detect and block malicious prompts.

Insecure Output Handling

  • Concept: The improper management of the outputs generated by the model is known as insecure output handling. It often leads to various security risks, such as the generation of harmful content or data leaks.
  • Attack Scenarios: There can be an exposure of outputs containing sensitive information, or the model might end up generating dangerous or offensive content that is accidentally distributed amongst a large audience.
  • Consequences: As a result of insecure output handling, organisations may have to face serious privacy breaches and legal issues.
  • Example: An LLM-powered chatbot used by an organisation in customer service may start generating outputs that contain sensitive personal information if the outputs are not managed and filtered properly.
  • Prevention: Prevention techniques that can be used include using output filtering and validation, implementing human oversight in case of critical applications, and continuously monitoring outputs for compliance with safety standards.

Training Data Poisoning

  • Concept: Training data poisoning is the process wherein the malicious data is injected into the training dataset of the AI model. As a result, the model is trained on harmful content, leading to the learning of incorrect or harmful behaviours.
  • Attack Scenarios: If a dataset is poisoned, it would lead to the generation of output that is harmful or biased, impacting the trustworthiness of the output. 
  • Consequences: Training data poisoning can have a significant negative impact on the entire AI system as it can undermine entire generative AI applications, leading to the loss of trust and credibility.
  • Example: An attacker might introduce biased data into the training dataset of the AI model, leading to the generation of discriminatory content. 
  • Prevention: Training data poisoning can be prevented by implementing rigorous data validation, regularly cleaning the training data, and monitoring the datasets for anomalies. 

Model Denial of Service (DoS)

  • Concept: Model denial of service is the most harmful security threat to an AI system as it aims to disrupt the availability of the entire AI system, making it unusable.
  • Attack Scenarios: For model denial of service, attackers can overwhelm the model with excessive requests, causing the entire model to crash or become unresponsive.
  • Consequences: Model DoS attacks often lead to a severe negative impact on AI services’s availability and reliability.
  • Example: A botnet could send a flood of requests to the generative AI application, leading to significant downtime and disrupting operations.
  • Prevention: In order to prevent model denial of service (DoS), organisations must implement rate limiting, monitor usage patterns, and deploy scalable infrastructures that can handle high loads.

Supply Chain Vulnerability

  • Concept: Supply chain vulnerabilities include the weaknesses in the components and dependencies used to build and deploy AI models.
  • Attack Scenarios: Tools or libraries that are compromised can introduce backdoors or malicious code into the AI system.
  • Consequences: Supply chain vulnerabilities can lead to a negative domino effect on the AI system, impacting the entire AI ecosystem.
  • Example: Using an open-source library that is compromised in model training can introduce vulnerabilities in the AI system that the attackers can exploit.
  • Prevention: Organisations can prevent supply chain vulnerability by conducting thorough security assessments of third-party components, using trusted sources, and updating dependencies regularly.

Sensitive Information Disclosure

  • Concept: When the generative AI application unintentionally or accidentally discloses personal or confidential data, it is known as sensitive information disclosure.
  • Attack Scenarios: The outputs generated by the generative AI applications may contain sensitive information from the training data, posing severe privacy and security risks.
  • Consequences: The consequences of sensitive information disclosure can be both legal issues as well as reputational damage in addition to financial loss.
  • Example: A generative AI model that is trained on customer data can accidentally output sensitive customer information.
  • Prevention: Implementing techniques like differential privacy, regularly auditing outputs, and using secure data handling practices can lead to preventing sensitive information disclosure.

Insecure Plugin Design

  • Concept: Insecure plugin design includes vulnerabilities that are present in the plugins and extensions that are used with the AI model.
  • Attack Scenarios: Attackers can introduce malicious plugins into the AI models, leading to security flaws or the exploitation of the capabilities of the model for harmful purposes.
  • Consequences: Insecure plugin designs have the ability to open up new attack vectors in the AI system, compromising the entire model.
  • Example: A compromised plugin could access and leak sensitive data or even alter the outputs of the generative AI application.
  • Prevention: To prevent insecure plugin design, organisations must conduct reviews of the plugins, use secure coding practices, and restrict plugin permissions.

Excessive Agency

  • Concept: When too much autonomy is granted to the AI model, it is known as excessive agency. This often leads to unintended and potentially harmful actions.
  • Attack Scenarios: An AI model that is overly autonomous may generate content or make decisions that lead to the violation of policies or ethical standards.
  • Consequences: Excessive agency can lead to significant issues, especially ethical and operational.
  • Example: Generative AI applications with excessive agency might autonomously generate and send marketing messages and emails with inappropriate content.
  • Prevention: Preventive measures for excessive agency include implementing human oversight, defining clear boundaries for AI actions, and regularly reviewing model outputs.


  • Concept: Overreliance on AI models can prove to be a security threat as it can lead to complacency and a lack of critical oversights. This increases the risk of security breaches and errors.  
  • Attack Scenarios: Users may be overly dependent on the outputs generated by AI and not validate them. This can lead to the distribution of harmful or incorrect information. 
  • Consequences: Overreliance on generative AI applications can lead to significant operational risks and errors.
  • Example: Overreliance on a generative AI application dedicated to diagnosis can result in misdiagnosis if the generated output is not cross-checked with an expert, leading to poor patient outcomes.
  • Prevention: Overreliance on AI systems can be prevented by promoting critical thinking, encouraging regular validation of AI outputs, and implementing various fallback mechanisms. 

Model Theft

  • Concept: As mentioned earlier, model theft is a security threat that involves the unlawful acquisition and use of proprietary AI models. This can lead to the loss of intellectual property and competitive disadvantages.
  • Attack Scenarios: When the AI models are stolen, they can be used to create competing services, replicate functionalities, or cause reputational damage.
  • Consequences: Model theft can lead to negative consequences and impact, especially financially and competitively.
  • Example: Competitors might steal a proprietary generative AI model and use it to create another similar model, taking away the advantage the original developer had in the market. 
  • Prevention: Organisations can use encryption, secure APIs, and several legal protections (patents and copyrights) to prevent model theft.


Implementing defense-in-depth security architecture for generative AI applications is extremely important to protect AI models from a wide range of security threats.

OWASP top 10 for LLMs provides a comprehensive and detailed framework that helps organisations to identify and mitigate the security risks.

With the advancement in AI technology, it is crucial for organisations to maintain an adaptive and proactive security posture so that they can effectively mitigate all emerging threats while ensuring the responsible and ethical use of generative AI applications.


OWASp can be used to secure generative AI applications as it provides comprehensive and detailed guidelines that helps users to identify and mitigate common security vulnerabilities. The OWASP top 10 for LLMs specifically addresses issues like prompt injection, model DoS, data poisoning, and insecure output handling amongst others. As a result, the platform offers users the best practices and frameworks that can be used to improve the security of AI models.

The key considerations for defense-in-depth security in generative AI include implementing various and multiple layers of data security controls, such as input validation, secure data handling, and strong access controls. Additionally, by regularly monitoring, updating, and auditing security measures, users can effectively address emerging and potential security threats.

Best practices for securing generative AI applications include implementing strong access controls, encrypting data, using input validation and output filtering, and performing regular security audits. Further, users should also ensure compliance with necessary regulations and employ privacy protection techniques.

The essential steps for defense-in-depth security in generative AI include implementing various and multiple layers of data security controls, such as input validation, secure data handling, and strong access controls. It also includes regularly auditing and monitoring the AI systems for vulnerabilities and threats. Further, users should also ensure compliance with necessary regulations and employ privacy protection techniques.

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