
Building Intelligent Open-Source LLMs for PDF Knowledge Bot

Discover the various steps required in the building of intelligent open-source LLMs for PDF Knowledge Bot.
Open-Source LLMs for PDF

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PDF Knowledge Bots are AI systems that efficiently interact, extract and interpret with information present in PDF documents, transforming how data is utilized and accessed. These bots are powered by Natural Language Processing(NLP), streamline workflows by automating tasks like providing insights, answering queries and generating summaries making them important in document demanding industries like healthcare, legal and finance. 

By reducing the extraction and understanding of unstructured and complex data, PDF Knowledge Bots reduces the effort and time required for activities like contract analysis, compliance monitoring and document review.

The Role of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are the core of modern NLP applications, particularly when it comes to open-source LLMs for PDF. These LLM models are trained on large amounts of text data, ability to generate and understand human-like text, making them helpful in text processing tasks. LLM models like BERT, GPT and their by-products have transformed how we handle documents, especially with Open-Source LLMs for PDF that provide powerful and useful tools for developers. 

The PDF knowledge Bots play a very important role in defining the unstructured text extracted from PDF documents. They allow the bot to understand large and complex queries, generate summary of large documents and generate accurate results. The adaptability of open-source LLMs for PDF allows them to be adapted to various fields, making them an ideal choice for building knowledge bots which interact with specialized information.

Why Open-Source LLMs?

There are many LLMs available in the market but open-source LLMs provide a range of benefits that make them attractive for building PDF Knowledge bots. 

The benefits provided by LLM models are:

  • Adaptability: Open-source LLM models can be easily fine tuned on specific datasets to help particular domains or use cases. This flexibility makes them ideal for creating domain specific PDF Knowledge Bots that can provide relevant and accurate information based on the situation.
  • Control and Transparency:  Open-source LLM models provide full access to basic data and code, allowing developers to understand how the model works, change it according to user needs and establish that it aligns with their ethical standards. This level of control is not always possible with quickly fixed models.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Open-source LLM models are free and easy to use, which make these models easily accessible to organizations and developers with limited or less budgets. This can be particularly beneficial for small startups and businesses looking to use advanced AI solutions without incurring significant costs.
  • Collaboration and Community Support: Open-source LLMs benefit from an active community of researchers and developers who continuously contribute to their  improvement. This collaborative environment encourages innovation and ensures that the model remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field.

Steps to Build Open-Source LLMs for PDF Knowledge Bot

Extracting Metadata and Text from PDF

The first step in building a PDF knowledge Bot is to extract metadata and text from the PDF. PDFs are mainly used as documents, but they can be difficult to work with due to their complex structure. To make data available to open-source LLMs for PDF, it is important to extract the relevant content accurately.

  • Text Extraction: Libraries like pdfplumber, PyMuPDF and pdfminer.six help in extracting raw text from PDF files. These libraries help to handle the various objects and library within a PDF,  providing the extraction of text while keeping its formatting which is important for accurate understanding by LLMs.
  • Handling Complex Layouts: PDF with difficult and complex layouts, such as multi columns and tables, require specialized handling. There are many tools like tabula and camelot which can easily handle complex layouts and help in extracting structured data from tables while text from columns can be merged accurately using custom scripts.
  • Metadata Extraction: PDF usually contain  metadata like titles, author names, creation dates. This information can be extracted using libraries like pikepdf and PyPDF2. Metadata can provide additional context to the LLM, improving the accuracy and relevance of the responses.

Preprocessing Text Data for LLMs

After extracting the text and metadata, the next stage involves preparing this data for use with open-source LLMs for PDF. Preprocessing is essential to ensure that the input data is tidy, organized, and optimized for the LLMs to comprehend and generate relevant responses.

  • Text Cleaning: The extracted text is cleaned by eliminating unnecessary characters, such as line breaks, special symbols, or watermarks. Python’s re-library or text processing libraries like nltk can be used for these tasks. This process guarantees that the text is presented in a readable format for the LLM.
  • Tokenization: The cleaned text is transformed into tokens, which are the smallest units of meaning. Tokenization facilitates the LLM in processing the text more efficiently. Tools for effective text processing are available in libraries such as nltk, spaCy, or transformers.
  • Segmenting Sentences: The text needs to be broken into sentences to maintain context and enhance the quality of responses produced by the LLM. Sentence segmentation is particularly crucial for PDF with dense text blocks. Tools such as nltk and spaCy can be utilized for this task.
  • Generating Embeddings: The preprocessed text should have embeddings created. Embeddings are compact vector representations of the text that capture semantic information. These embeddings will be used later for similarity searches and contextual matching. Libraries like SentenceTransformers or Hugging Face Transformers can be used to generate embeddings optimized for open-source LLMs for PDF.

Structuring Data for Efficient Retrieval

Once the text has been preprocessed, the subsequent stage involves organizing the data to facilitate efficient retrieval. Fast and accurate retrieval of important and relevant information is crucial for open-source LLMs for PDF to produce meaningful responses. Efficient data structuring ensures that the LLM can promptly locate the appropriate content as needed.

  • Indexing: Arrange the text data by establishing an index that links text segments to their positions in the original PDF. This index can be stored in a database such as Elasticsearch or Redis to enable swift access. A well-planned indexing approach enables the LLM to fetch the most relevant text segments in response to a query.
  • Chunking : Divide the text into manageable segments that can be easily processed by the LLM. This is especially important for large PDFs. Each segment should be self-contained, providing enough context for the LLM to produce accurate responses.
  • Metadata Association: Associate the extracted metadata with the corresponding text segments. This linkage assists the LLM in understanding the context of the text, such as the author’s intent or the document’s purpose, thereby improving the relevance of the responses generated.
  • Embedding Storage: Save the generated embeddings together with the text segments in a vector database. This configuration enables similarity-based retrieval, allowing the LLM to locate text segments that are semantically similar to a user’s query. Vector databases like Pinecone, FAISS, or Annoy can be employed for this purpose.

Through meticulous extraction, preprocessing, and organization of data, you establish the groundwork for a PDF Knowledge Bot that is both efficient and productive. These initial steps will enable the open-source LLMs for PDF to comprehend user inquiries with improved precision and contextually relevant responses.


Loading LLM Embedding Models and Generative Models

					EMB_INSTRUCTOR_XL = "hkunlp/instructor-xl"
embedding_model= "sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2"
LLM_FLANT_MODEL = "google/flan-t5-small"


Loading Flant5 model

					def create():
        device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
        return HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name=LLM_FLANT_MODEL, model_kwargs={"device": device})

def create_flan_t5_base(load_in_8bit=False):
        tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model)
        return pipeline(
            tokenizer = tokenizer,
            model_kwargs={"device_map": "auto", "load_in_8bit": load_in_8bit, "max_length": 512, "temperature": 0.}
if config["embedding"] == EMB_SBERT_MPNET_BASE:
    embedding = create()
load_in_8bit = config["load_in_8bit"]
if config["llm"] == LLM_FLAN_T5_BASE:
    llm = create_flan_t5_base(load_in_8bit=load_in_8bit)


Ingesting the PDF data into Vector store (ChromaDB)

					# Load the pdf
pdf = "medical.pdf"
pdf_loader = PDFPlumberLoader(pdf)
document = pdf_loader.load()

# Split documents and create text snippets
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=100, chunk_overlap=0)
texts = text_splitter.split_documents(document)
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=10, encoder="cl100k_base")  # This the encoding for text-embedding-ada-002
texts = text_splitter.split_documents(texts)

persist_directory = config["persist_directory"]
vector_database = Chroma.from_documents(documents=texts, embedding=embedding, persist_directory=persist_directory


Retrieving and Prompt Engineering

					hf_llm = HuggingFacePipeline(pipeline=llm)
retriever = vector_database.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k":4})
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=hf_llm, chain_type="stuff",retriever=retriever)

# Defining a prompt for model
if config["llm"] == LLM_FLAN_SMALL_MODEL or config["llm"] == LLM_FLAN_BASE_MODEL or config["llm"] == LLM_FLAN_LARGE_MODEL:
    question_t5_template = """
    context: {context}
    question: {question}
    QUESTION_T5_PROMPT = PromptTemplate(
        template=question_t5_template, input_variables=["context", "question"]
    qa.combine_documents_chain.llm_chain.prompt = QUESTION_T5_PROMPT


Querying the LLM

					question = "what's the reason for the financial crisis?"
qa.combine_documents_chain.verbose = True
qa.return_source_documents = True



In conclusion, using open-source LLMs for PDF provides a strong and adaptable way to create smart PDF Knowledge Bots. Through the painstaking extraction, preprocessing, and organization of data, these LLMs facilitate effective interaction with complex documents, revolutionizing the way that sectors such as finance, law, and healthcare access and use information. 

By using this method, workflows are streamlined and response accuracy and relevance are increased, making PDF Knowledge Bots a significant tool for organizing and analyzing unstructured data.


AI models known as open-source LLMs for PDF Knowledge Bots process and comprehend text that has been extracted from PDF documents. Developers can freely use and modify these models, which have been trained on a vast amount of text data. PDF Knowledge Bots are useful tools in industries that rely heavily on document management because they can efficiently extract information, respond to inquiries, and create summaries from complex PDF documents by utilizing open-source LLMs.

Integrating LLMs to process and comprehend the text extracted from PDF can improve PDF knowledge retrieval. To increase the precision of information retrieval, create summaries, respond to intricate queries, and extract insights from unstructured text, LLMs can be trained or optimized on particular domains. Large PDF documents are easier to navigate and use because LLMs index and embed the text, enabling fast and pertinent content retrieval.

Creating a PDF knowledge bot can help with a number of tasks, such as contract analysis, document review, and compliance monitoring. It can also speed up access to important and relevant data and automate the extraction and interpretation of information from complex documents. With its ability to decrease manual labor, improve precision, and simplify procedures, it is a priceless resource for businesses handling substantial amounts of PDF files.

Python and JavaScript are the best programming languages for creating a PDF Knowledge Bot. Python is a great choice because of its extensive library ecosystem, which includes PyPDF2, nltk, and transformers, for text processing, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning. JavaScript is helpful for creating interactive web interfaces and integrating the bot into web applications, especially when used in conjunction with Node.js. Both languages are appropriate for this project because of their flexibility and strong community support.

Think about things like the particular domain of your documents, the model's capacity to handle intricate queries, and the availability of fine-tuning options when selecting the best LLM for your PDF bot. Consider performance, scalability, and community support when evaluating open-source LLMs. To make sure the models provide precise and relevant results for your use case, it is also crucial to test them using your unique data.

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